Mostly in June, my Bees became funny and start to swarm

The Dubener Heide is a Natural reserve for all kind of animals. Beavers, Fox,Wildcat, Deer and our good old friend the wolf.
We keep bees and harvest honey and propolis (natural antibiotic) and since February 2016 we have a Aquaponic facility to grow fish and veggie.
We, means my Neighbors and me are organized in a Permaculture NGO. We do sustainable forest, beekeeping, Aquaponic, Natural House Building with wood and Straw as Building Material.
We have a lot of lakes and forest here.
Christian is the technician and strawbale builder and takes care for you helper.
Robert is the Beekeeper
Clemens has the forest.
Everybody of us in his own own living area.
The helper lives in his own space. We think to host the helper in a tiny house.
FAST Internet is available and connect us with the rest of the world.
20 Min by bike you have a train station to Berlin.
The train comes every hour and takes one hour to Berlin.
It is absolutely OK if you explore in this time the capital city of Germany.
The helper should be handy and have some Trekking Boots, Knive, Torch, sleeping bag, isolation matresss and crocks or big woolen socks for inside.
We support with food and good drinking water. Meat, Alcoholic or cigarettes is your business.
I prefer the Spanish way of having breakfast. In the morning two gooood Cafe with milk and sugar.
At ten or eleven a small sandwich. And in the evening a good dinner with everything you can imagine. Slowly meat fade away and instead I prefer more cheese. I like cooking and sometimes I arrange a forest barbecue (catering) for the helpers. We work a lot with refugees from all over the world and it makes fun and a little work to have them around.
If you are applying with us you tell us please what you can and as long as you can imagine to stay with us.
Most importantly perhaps what you love to want to do with us.
My experience says that you need 3 days to adapt the way of live here. Then it becomes a real holiday for you. So maybe you think to apply for 4 days and later we will see how it goes OK?
Thank you for your interest in our small community.
At the moment we work on Bees, Aquaponic, planting trees, Pimp up our Tiny House, Install the gutter, if the moonphase is the right one we cut some trees, cover some walls with wood and make some pictures on the wall on Caravan and tiny house and every day is a nice day.

Organic Farmhouse

Private BBQ Area
& Fire Pit

Bike Rental

Outdoor Hot-tub

Eco Toilet

Solar-Electric Shower

"My goal is to build a life from which I don't have to recover on vacation."

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
E.F. Schumacher

"Doing is just better than wanting"